Sunday, November 2, 2014

A purifying wait

If you are anywhere near where I am with discernment, this may help you. I pray it does. If not, then I guess you’re about to get to know me a little better.

Discernment in my life.

On this weekend morning I woke up before 5:30 am and my mind wouldn't stop. I knew I had to write. So if this helps you, thank Jesus, not me.
(For future understanding, a Big V vocation is the vocation to either, Married Life, Religious Life, or Consecrated Life. A “little v” vocation is basically the call to love, be a student, friend, etc.)

Normally, I'm pretty good at being silent in formation groups. #1 because quite often my mind runs too fast for me to catch it. #2 because I'm generally bad at putting into words what and how I feel.
So this is me being open to you now.

After this past women's formation group, a new peace has arrived in my heart. A peace to be okay with the unknown.

Any given week within the past year, you could have asked me on Monday, "where are you at with discernment in your life?" And then asked me the same question on Friday, and my answer could have been two completely different things. No promises on what you would have heard.
Basically the past year, I have been open to either religious life, consecrated life, or married life... Yep, I think those are all of the options.

"Whatever the Lord calls me to," has been the general answer. There are some days when I've felt called to religious life alone, leading into the next few weeks. There are others when I see myself most at peace in the consecrated life.
The past month or two I've noticed a shift away from marriage that has been lingering for a long time. This had forced me to look deeper. Bringing about rediscerning marriage in a new light.
On the flip side, the past couple of months I've realized that being open to religious life and actually discerning religious life are two completely different things. Although it shouldn’t have, this truth gave me some anxiety. This led me to believing that I needed to start actively discerning religious life right now because in actuality I am discerning no "Big V" vocation at this point in my life.
The truth is Jesus is okay with me not discerning at this point in my life. In fact, I think He would rather that. I think the Lord needs me to rest in trusting Him. He needs me to discern "little v" vocations alone right now. For example, the call to love. The call to serve, to give without ceasing, to be a student, a friend, and a daughter.
In reality, if I knew what my Big V vocation was at this point, it probably wouldn't change anything in my life. Because first of all, I am not getting married anytime soon and second of all I do not believe the Lord wants me to jump into a religious order at this point in my life.
If I knew my vocation, the only thing that would change is my need for trust and resting in the unknown. Honestly, learning to do that will bring me into holiness more than knowing what I'm called to. There are plenty more mysteries that Jesus invites us to that I need to learn to be okay with and this is just a start to one of the mysteries.
I believe that I will not know my big vocation in life for a while. I think it's because God has big things in store beforehand, and He doesn't want me to get wrapped up in the future.
This not knowing, this waiting, that seems like it would be an enslavement or chains in my life is actually a major source of freedom. I must live in the present.
I have no idea what I will be doing in the next few years. Maybe it's mission work. If He wants me to do mission work, it's better that I don't know what I'm called to so that I don't have anything stopping me. Or maybe it's returning back to a beautiful dream of mine. Having that childlike faith. The dream of opening an orphanage one day without anything holding me from that. Here's that freedom.
Basically, I'm okay with not knowing my vocation. I'm okay with "not discerning my Big V" at this point in my life because there are many little v's that need major work. I'm not at a stand still anywhere in my life. I'm only beginning to grow in faith, trust, and love.
Christ does not put a time limit on your vocation. He gives peace and hope. Anytime you start to stress over your vocation, return to the fact that Jesus says, "worry not about tomorrow."

Pray for me. I'll be praying for you.

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